Adobe dreamweaver has been released with a lot of new features to editors. Adobe is focusing on keeping web designers ready for mobile and giving you features you need to create responsive web designs. Dreamweaver CS6 has added a number of new features to make it more effective for web designers and developers who need to create websites and applications in the global market. When dreamweaver has been released some big changes are different with dreamweaver CS5 This article will describe the new features of Dreamweaver CS6 and how it has changed from CS5, CS4, and CS3. So if you are thinking of upgrading Dreamweaver from an older version, you can learn if it has new features you are interested in. . The changes are new version are Fluid grid layout tool. With this brilliant tool you can manage dual screen editing at a time.
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Features of dreamweaver
- With this brilliant tool you can manage dual screen editing at a time
- You can responsive design websites with this tool
- CS6 aded better integration with Photoshop, Flash, and Fireworks
Official site
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