Unlocker 1.9.1 Latest Version Download Free For Windows 64-bit

We are sharing brilliant app known as unlocker. Unlosker helps you to unlock different folders on your pc. Some times if you have ever tried to delete a folder or rename a file only to be greeted by an error message informing you that the file is in use  even though it does not appear to be the case - Unlocker may just be the tool you have been looking for use. Unlocker is a great time saver as it enables you to get on working with file and folders much more quickly. You can sol this problem with in seconds. If you haven't setup file of this software you can download it free  from provided link. After completing of downloading your will need to just install it on your pc. There is no need to restart Windows, so in just a few clicks you can overcome the obstacle that was preventing you from continuing with the action you wanted to perform. It really is that simple, and it is hard to appreciate just how useful it is until you try it out. This may not be a program you use every day of the week, but it is very useful to have installed just in case.

Features of unlocker

  •  You can unlock different folders on your pc
  • Unlocker is a great time saver as it enables you to get on working with file and folders much more quickly 
  • You can rename access denied files with this software
Download links
Unlocker latest version
